Zum Inhalt

V2.0.0 (20.07.2024)

As V2.0.0 suggest, there has been an complete rewrite of the code. The storage format is switched from the old zvfs (which also freewarp uses) to cookfs. At this point many thanks to Konstantin Kushnir for the reactivation and extension of this very nice module.

The switch to cookfs brings an file size reduction of about 20% and an 4 times faster starting time, especially on the Windows platform.

Currently the used cookfs is unencrypted, so if you need to protect your code you should bytecompile it before wrapping (Call tclexecmop with the -compile option). If Konstantin finished his work on encryption on cookfs, i will release a new version with that feature included.

The second major feature is the integration of CloudTk into tclexecomp. Here also many thanks to Jeff Smith for the great CloudTk-Code. If using tclexecomp, it is now very easy to bring your TclTk-Application onto the Browser. You only need a running Linux-System (x86_64 or arm32, Raspi) with Xvnc installed. You find a detailed description of the procedure here. This feature is only availiable on Linux.

Include Modules are:

Module Version Description
Tcl/Tk V8.6.14 TclTk
bgexec V3.0 Backgroup Exec Modul
bwidget V1.9.16 BWidget is a Tcl/Tk script-only set of megawidgets
cloudtk V1.4.0-55 Cloudtk
tclcompiler V1.7.4 The package for compiling tcl-scripts to bytecode.
expect V5.45.4 A Module for automating interactive applications
extrafont V1.3 A package designed to provide private fonts for Tk apps
html3widget V0.2.6.1 The html3widget is a tcl/tk package which implements a megawidget to render html + css.
Imagescale V0.1 Module for scale Images
Img V1.4.14 Img-Module adds a lot of image formats to Tcl/Tk.
imgtools V0.3 a C extension to Tk that provides functionality to transform and manipulate photo images.
itcl V4.2.4 TCL-Main-Module
mentry V4.2 The Multi-Entry Widget Package
pdf4tcl V0.9.4 A library for generating PDF documents from Tcl.
pgintcl V3.5.1 A Tcl interface to PostgreSQL databases, written in Tcl
scrolledwidget V0.2 A Scrolled Widget implemented with TclOO
scrollutil V2.2 The ScrollArea Widget Package
spritz V1.0 spritz Stream Cipher
sqlite V3.44.2 TCL-Main-Module
tablelist V7.2 The Multi-Column Listbox and Tree Widget Package
tbcload V1.7.2 The package for loading of precompiled bytecodes.
tcllib V1.21 The Standard Tcl Library
TclReadLine V1.4 Readline Package for tclsh
tclRFB V0.5 The Widget Callback Package
tclx V8.4 Extended Tcl
tdbc V1.1.7 TCL-Main-Module
tdbcmysql V1.1.7 TCL-Main-Module
tdbcodbc V1.1.7 TCL-Main-Module
tdbcpostgres V1.1.7 TCL-Main-Module
tdom V0.9.3 tDOM high performance XML data processing
thread V2.8.9 TCL-Main-Module
tk V8.6.14 Tk
tkdnd V2.9.4 TK Drag and Drop
Tkhtml V3.0 A Widget to render html documents.
tklib V0.7 The Standard TK Library
tksvg V0.12 tksvg brings the Tk 8.7 svg support to Tk 8.6.
Tktable V2.10 TkTable is a table/matrix widget extension to tk/tcl
tktray V1.3.9 System Tray Icon Support for Tk on X11
tcltls V1.7.22 TLS OpenSSL extension to Tcl
treectrl V2.4.3 A multi-column hierarchical listbox widget
Trf V2.1.4 The Trf TCL extension
trofs V0.4.9 Tcl Read-Only Filesystem
udp V1.0.11 tcl UDP Extension
vfs V1.4.2 Tcl VFS
wcb V4.0 The Widget Callback Package
zstd V1.0 ZSTD-Compression